
‘Look out! Look out! Look out! Look out!’ – Leader of the Pack, The Shangri-Las
Pose – Power and confidence

Amy Cuddy is a social psychologist best known for her research on non-verbal behaviour, power dynamics, and the effects of body language on self-confidence and performance. Her work on ‘power posing’ became popular after her 2012 TED Talk, Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are. It is one of the most-viewed TED Talks of all […]
Blinding – Homer and The Blues

‘Sing to me, Muse, of that endlessly cunning man.
Who was blown off course to the ends of the earth’. The Odyssey, translated by Stephen Mitchell
Tarantino’s dilemmas

Applying economic Game Theory to the Mexican standoff.
Words that work

Rules for clear English from two masters.
The marriage of geometry and harmony

Musical maths from Pythagoras to Glass.
Bat shed crazy

The colossal cost of high-speed waste.
Numbers Don’t Lie, but Do They Discriminate?

Is Mathematics Biased?
Star trekking across the universe

India’s competitive advantage and NASA’s dynamic efficiency.